Dear Reader, Our world is characterized by fast moving geopolitical and natural changes and the scenarios drawn by climate change specialists are alarming. If we want to avoid dangerous climate change and its ample consequences for creatures all over the world, it is necessary to take action right now. Awareness of the danger is growing and with the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, also evidence has grown once more that fossil fuels such as coal have to be left in the ground in order to minimize those threats. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) since 11 years now, keeps on working to bring awareness forward. Since 2005, the CCPI has been contributing to a clearer understanding of national and international climate policy. The various initial positions, interests, and strategies of the numerous countries make it hard to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. The CCPI is an important tool to address this. To demonstrate existing measures more accurately and to encourage steps towards effective climate policy, the CCPI methodology was evaluated in 2012 and improvements have been made since. The integration of data on emissions from deforestation and forest degradation was one of the major steps in this process, made possible due to the data provided by the FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2015. Alongside energy-based emissions, deforestation and forest degradation are another important source of anthropogenic CO2. By including those emissions, we can present a more complete view of man-made impacts on the world’s climate. The following publication is issued by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe. However, only with the help of about 300 energy and climate experts from all over the world, we are able to include a review of each country’s national and international policies, with respect to their efforts to avoid climate change. We greatly appreciate these experts for taking the time and effort to contribute with their knowledge. Experts are mainly representatives of NGOs working within their respective countries, fighting for the implementation of the climate policy that we so desperately need. Best regards, Wendel Trio (Director of CAN Europe) Klaus Milke (Chairman of the Board, Germanwatch)