II NDC Infromative Webinar

De Martes, Octubre 20, 2020 hasta Viernes, Octubre 23, 2020

The Paris Agreement, reached during COP21 held in December 2015, constitutes an ambitious, dynamic and universal agreement that covers all countries and all types of emissions. This consolidates international cooperation on climate change, constituting an international instrument for mobilizing technological, financial and capacity-building support for developing countries (United Nations1, sf).

Through the Agreement, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreed to combat climate change, and thus mobilize actions and investments to achieve a sustainable future with low carbon dioxide emissions. In that sense, the Parties undertake to do everything in their power, under the principle of shared but differentiated responsibility, to increase their efforts through nationally determined contributions, or NDCs, which they reflect the efforts of each country to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.

For more information please refer to the attached concept note.   

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Mar, 10/20/2020 - 09:45 -- Ana Cristina Bo...